琉璃光养生世界 image

琉璃光的宗旨乃是通过培训及教育性活动来启发人们的醒觉及行动 � 去帮助他们过个更快乐,更健康以及更丰盛的生活。除了在整体自然疗法上提供正确的讯息及参考外,琉璃光所关怀的不只是生理上的养生,同时也包括了灵性的生活,以及如何培养正确的生活态度及方式 � 帮助大家过充满意义的人生。经由上述目标,我们希望在为这个地球减少痛苦,增进积极力量及和平的使命上扮演着一定的角色。


为了做到这一点,拥有开放心灵是非常重要的。只有这样,不论是个人或整体社会 � 方才能以客观的态度去学习新的事物。举个例子,西医的医学架构,中医医学及很多的自然疗法观点都在保健养生方面有着一定的贡献。我们必须在各方面取长补短,相辅相成;好为人类所面对的各类难题探寻不断就进的方法及出路。

心灵的健康,生理的健全及环境的保养是影响世界和平安安乐的重大因素。为了达到真正的和平及喜悦,我们唯有斩草除根,从一切问题的根本上去著手才是。问题的根本在于我们的心念及价值观,而这些都一一的影响了我们周遭的其他人。基于此,琉璃光的理念及目标,既是为了培育我们及他人 � 去拥有开放的心灵、慈悲的心,深切地明白及觉醒事物之因果关系,并进而共同努力,采取建设性的大无畏行动去改善这一切。

� 图书馆
� 杂志
� 举办健康讲座,养生训练营及其他等等

Lapis Lazuli Light

Lapis Lazuli Light is a non-profit making, global information service network and support group founded by Chui-Nan Lai Ph.D. It serves as a contact point in Malaysia and is run by volunteers to minimize expenses.

Our objective is to promote awareness and action for people to live a happier, healthier and fuller life though training and educational activities. By providing proper terms and references for the total natural health approach, they cover not just the physical but also the spiritual aspect of life, and attitudes towards a meaningful life-style. By doing so, we hope to play our part in reducing suffering and improving positive energy and harmony in the world.

Our environment and our mind are key factors affecting our health and so are our country, our family and our career. Every one of us is essential and important enough to generate a conductive environment and a constructive lifestyle for the world.

To do so, it is important to have an open mind. We as individuals and as a society can then constantly learn new things objectively. For example, the western medical model, the Chinese medical model and many natural health concepts each has its contribution to health. We need to take the strengths of all models, to improve continuously our ways of solving problems faced by mankind.

Mental health, physical health, environmental health and many other issues that affect the harmony and peace of our world can only be approach and resolves from the roots of the problems. The roots are in our mind and our values that affect our attitudes towards people around us. Therefore, promoting open mindedness, compassion, awareness of cause and affect and constructive action to improve others and us, are our mission and objective.

We sincerely hope that it is also everybody�s mission and objective.
Our center in Malaysia is dedicated to the promoting of physical, mental and spiritual health and the cultivation of compassion. Our center now provides the following facilities:
� Library
� Quarterly Magazine
� organizing health talks, health camp and etc.